Alas, the time has come to upgrade our "Little Apartment on Wheels," to something with a bathroom and shower. We are looking at an Airstream, and have our minds pretty much made up about that. With that plan in order, it's going to be extremely difficult to let the little thing go! We've had so many fantastic trips and memories in this Trailer!
Friends of ours had The Shasta in their back yard (lots of property at their place) for years, just sitting there collecting Desert dirt. The Grandparents were the original buyers, and this camper had been in their family since 1962! My Wife suggested that we take it off their hands, and I was adamently against this, being a life-long tent camper. It needed a LOT OF WORK, but we did most everything ourselves, and I'm not very mechanically inclined. But, we had some help from professionals- Upholstery, curtains, powder coating, etc. It really came together after a solid year of work and expenses, and we kept improving things along the way, the 6 years we've owned it.
Here are a few photos that I wanted to share of our time with the 1962 Shasta Airflyte.
First trip ever, Roosevelt Lake, Tonto Basin, AZ. No improvements to the camper yet, obviously.
The Wife installed new tile flooring.
Then, re-finished the wood inside & got some new cushions.
Tarped & taped while vents & drip trays were being powder coated.
New curtains & upholstery.
The super-comfy, front bed.
New rear window, looking a tad better.
We were constantly making little improvements, such as the sink & stove top covers. (This is the sink, not the stove)!
New tanks & fittings, along with welded-on, permanent, scissor jacks underneath. (No more laying on the ground with scorpions & snakes, aligning stabilizer jacks with frame)!
In Sedona, AZ.
The Breakfast of Champions!
Shower tent/Poop station experiment. With the 1974 Glastron "Swinger" boat, Butcher Hook RV Park, Tonto Basin, AZ.
AC experiment, gone horribly wrong.
Christmas Eve Celebration, Rancho Sedona RV Park. 12 degrees that night. OUCH!
Merry Christmas, with the little, pink, "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree!
Another shot, with my ingenious HD antenna pole/Flag holder, & Mingus Mountains in the background. Dead Horse Ranch State Park

And, probably our last trip... Homolovi Stae Park, Winslow, Arizona. October, 2014. Nice quiet place if you're ever out the way of I-40.
OK... Well, that oughta' about do it for me, and The Shasta! Have a great Christmas, and bitchin'-Ass New Year! We'll blog again soon, hopefully, with a new Little Apartment On Wheels.
Yours truly... The Phoenix Rover.
Crazy Blogging fool.