Howdy Folks! Once again we made it up to Dead Horse Ranch State Park, near Sedona, with our 1962 Shasta Airflyte camper. Weather was great- Not too cold at night (40F), and not hot all all (68). We went for a few hikes, had some geat BBQ's meals, enjoyed a few movies inside the camper, visited Sedona, and actually spent some time in the small town of Cottonwood as well.
Last week, after a 30 year hiatus, the original (David Lee Roth) lineup of VAN HALEN released there first album in 30 years! (Yeah... This has nothing to do wit camping, I know). And, being a guitar player & having a man-crush on Eddie Van Halen, this is some pretty exciting news! Better yet, the album is way better than I ever expected it to be! It ROCKS! I won tickets for the June 16th show here in Phoenix (thanks XTRA Sports Radio, 910 on your AM dial), and can hardly wait to see them live!

VAN HALEN, 2012!
Also, not only is it Valentine's Day today, but it also marks the centennial of the State of Arizona, in which I reside. AZ joined the union kind of late, and originally, it was named "The Valentine State" because it entered the Union on this day in 1912. Someone had the foresight to rename it "The Grand Canyon State," and thank God they did, so we didn't sound so wimpy and mushy!
But anyway, it was a wonderful trip with no adversities... Just a relaxing weekend with campfires, BBQ's, clear blue skies, and an abundance of fresh air.
Here are some photos... Be sure and click on them to see their dynamic, full size.
The Carl's Jr. in Cottonwood
1962 Shasta, appropriately parked by the Antique Shop sign in Cottonwood.
Dead Horse Ranch campground, Red Tail Hawk Loop.
Dead Horse Ranch campground, Red Tail Hawk Loop, again
Wifey making coffee.
Getting ready for breakfast, inside the 1962 Shasta Airflyte Camper.
Electrical and dish station at site #56! (Exciting stuff)!
The Verde River.
What trip would be complete without a trip to the local Walmart! Hell, it's where everyone gathers and sees one another in a small town in America! This one is huge too, with all sorts of goodies and supplies.
Old West stuff, downtown Sedona.
More Old West stuff, downtown Sedona.
Sinagua Native American statue, in the Sinagua Plaza, Sedona.
Even an simple motel sign looks beautiful in Sedona!
Me, standing by a horse statue.
Red rocks of Sedona.
Another shot of Sedona, from an overlook on the backside of a cafe.
Pink pigs!